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🔥 From Firefighting to Future-Proofing: How AI Can Help Businesses Break the Cycle and Thrive

One of the biggest hurdles in adopting AI for companies is something I encountered in my very first job: when businesses face external or internal shocks that throw them off course, they often shift into firefighting mode. In this reactive state, they become so focused on managing immediate crises that they lose sight of the bigger picture and neglect long-term solutions. 🔥

I remember how this phenomenon was explained early on in my career: there's a farmer whose fence is broken, and every night his sheep escape. He spends all day chasing them and bringing them back, repeating the same cycle daily. When someone asks, "Why don't you just repair the fence?" the farmer replies, "I don't have time to fix the fence; I’m too busy catching the sheep." 🐑

We are hearing similar stories right now, especially from the logistics industry, where skyrocketing energy and container shipping prices are putting companies in crisis mode. Those without a monopolistic hold on the market are unable to pass on these costs and find themselves constantly "catching the sheep," trying to manage daily challenges instead of focusing on long-term solutions. 🚚

But in reality, this is exactly where AI can step in. It offers a way to boost productivity, allowing companies to achieve more with the same resources while reducing costs. AI can "fix the fence." Even a soft launch with LLMs and proper training can start making a significant difference. With even a modest budget, the gap can be narrowed, and companies can stop firefighting and start focusing on sustainable improvements. 🤖

Our mission is to help these companies step back, see the bigger picture, and guide them in "fixing the fence." What advice and tools can we offer to support this transformation? What has worked for you in the past, and what challenges have you encountered on this journey? 💡


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